2024/10/21 Manju Puri氏によるセミナーが開催されました
Manju Puri(J.B. Fuqua Professor, Finance, Duke University)
場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究2号館 3階 講義室3
タイトル: “From Competitors to Partners: Banks’ Venture Investments in Fintech”
We hypothesize and find evidence that banks use venture investments in fintech startups as a strategic approach to navigate fintech competition. We show that banks’ venture investments have increasingly focused on fintech firms in systematic ways. We find that banks facing greater fintech competition are more likely to make venture investments in fintech star tups. Banks target fintech firms that exhibit higher levels of asset complementarities with their own business. Finally, instrumental variable analyses show that venture investments increase the likelihood of operational collaborations and knowledge transfer between the bank investor and the fintech investee.